Monday, April 5, 2010

Ahhh Summer-itis

So it's getting really hard to stay focused in my classes and with school since the end of the year is so close and because its so pretty outside now. Summer-itis always happen for me after we come back from spring break, it happens every year, never fails. I know i'm not the only one who has this problem im sure everybody experiences this when the weather is getting nice and the end of the 2nd semester is near. It makes you not want to go to class, it gets you distracted from your work because all you can think of is SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!!! ughhhh i'm at that point right now but i'm trying hard to stay focuse and go to my classes and not get tempted to skip to go play outside or hang with friends, but its really getting hard now that the weather had been in the 70's smh (shaking my head) this is crazy i just hope these last few weeks of school goes by FAST because i'm so ready for SUMMER BREAK ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck staying on track . . . don't let this bad case of SUMMER-ITIS GET YOU DOWN!
